Sled Equipment
Various pieces of equipment are usually found on a sled. These include:
- Dog bag: Sleeping bag for the your favorite dog. Should include a
candle, chandelier, crackers & imported cheese, maybe a little nice
- Snow hook: used for catching snow fish.
- Neck line: a "line" of clothing for dressing the area between the head and shoulders
- Tug: This is a long rope. On one end of the rope contains
numerous clips, one for each dog. The other end of the rope is secured
directly to your wallet.
- Runners: a device used to catch the stuff that drips out of the musher's nose.
- Basket: used to hold goodies to be delivered to Grandma's. Could contain cookies, milk, or diphtheria serum.
Mushing Commands
Here are some of the more popular commands and their meaning:
- Hike: throw the human off the sled. If they tumble head over heels, that is considered a touchdown and is worth 6 points.
- Line Out: the tug (see definition above) is attached to an empty wallet. Stand still until the situation is remedied.
- On By: this is used to inform the dogs that there is a delicious squirrel nearby, and they should go and capture it.
- Gee, Haw: turn, any direction will do.
- Easy:
this informs the dogs there is a double diamond ski slope just ahead,
so this would be a good place to show off their running prowess
- Whoa: the human needs a potty break. Most dogs expect their
humans to learn to pee on the run as they have done, so this is
generally scofffed at by dogs.
Copyright 2011 by Gary Hughes-Fenchel All rights reserved